Sunday, 6 February 2011

Cornus cutting...

or - Down where the Dogwood grows.  This weekend, despite the foul forecast, was spent in the Cornus patch where we harvest to make the bases for our wreaths.  Here is Garlandgirl looking a bit chilly, cutting last year's growth in preparation.  Photo courtesy of Liz of who not only took the snap, but also got  the secateurs out, AND cooked lunch for us all after.

  The frost stopped any cutting in January so it was good to get out there now before the plants start to put on growth again.    We cut and made bases as we were going along,  all the time rumbling around the normal topics of life, love, family and the delights of errant teenage children.  It stayed dry too, which was a real bonus.  Once all the bases are finished over the course of the next week or so (hopefully), they will be stored away ready for the 2011 Christmas season.

Other weekend jobs off the list included getting the potatoes chitting in the (unheated) greenhouse.  We are going to try some new (to us) varieties this year including Pink Fir Apple, Kestrel, Picasso Arran Pilot and Anya which will go in on Good Friday - weather permitting,  and hopefully will see us right through the season from June until February.  The new potato bed has been dug and is just waiting, perhaps needs liming before we plant, but otherwise ready...  This is a bit of good cheer in what otherwise could be a gloomy, typical February.  The wormcasts are out in force on the lawn and the terracotta pots are all breaking up due to the severe cold in December and January.  Pish.